How to Find and Shape Better Stories

How to Find and Shape Better Stories

Today I’m guest blogging over at the estimable Spin Sucks blog. So click on over for the story of Estela and the Candy Factory and my Easy Formula for Unlocking the Power of Stories. And if you’re interested in marketing, communications and social media,...
This Is Your Brain On Stories

This Is Your Brain On Stories

I consider certain truths to be self evident. Like the power of stories to move and persuade people. So I’m surprised when I have to justify this principle to someone. A while back I was interviewed by a grad student doing research and he wanted to know what...
A Smart Lesson from a Dead Company

A Smart Lesson from a Dead Company

They say dead men tell no tales. But dead companies do. And not all those tales are cautionary. At first glance, you might not think much of the old Montgomery Ward headquarters building in Chicago. But its design holds a powerful lesson. And not just for architects...
To Tell a Good Story, You Have to Lie

To Tell a Good Story, You Have to Lie

The reason most peoples’ stories are hard to listen to is that they have trouble divorcing themselves from the facts of their everyday lives. They’re slavishly devoted to chronology and detail. Sometimes, to tell a good story, you have to tell a lie or...
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