Correct Use of ‘Obviously’ Not So Obvious

Practically everyone makes this mistake. I used to make it myself, which may be why it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. We’re talking about where to put the word “obviously” in a sentence when you’re expressing disappointment. As press secretary for the Ohio Attorney General, I had many, many occasions to use this … Read more

6 Tips for Overcoming Stage Fright

When it comes to public speaking, nobody put it better than Jerry Seinfeld: According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than … Read more

The Best Business Lessons From Hollywood — Free!

If you want to see the lessons from my book presented live and you can’t spring for a trip to Denver next week (where I’ll be keynoting PRSA’s Western District Conference), you can check out a free webinar I’m doing the week after next. It’s being done through Georgetown University’s Alumni Career Services office, but … Read more

Props to Obama for Using Props

To paraphrase another president: there he goes again! The Obama administration putting a prop to good use, this time upping the ante by having the CIC himself wield it. So glad to see it. I’ve wondered in the past why Obama and other chief executives don’t make better use of three-dimensional visuals in their speeches … Read more

Facebook Timeline Feeds Corporate Narcissism

Introducing Timeline

Facebook Timeline for brands is the latest hysteria-inducing development in social media. Its introduction has been accompanied by the usual how-to articles screaming TEN THINGS YOU MUST KNOW and FIVE HIDDEN TIMELINE SECRETS THE EXPERTS WON’T TELL YOU and YOU’RE NOT ON TIMELINE YET? YOU HOPELESS RUBE! I actually think the timeline is cool. I … Read more

7 TV Interview Tips Nobody Tells You

There’s plenty of advice to be found on how to prepare for a TV interview. Talk in concise soundbites. Look at the interviewer, not the camera. Don’t wear crazy patterns. But sometimes it’s the little things they don’t tell you that can make or break the interview. Here are seven practical lessons I’ve learned from my … Read more