I honestly don’t know how some social media “stars” keep up with it — tweeting, blogging, Facebooking constantly throughout the day.
I’m fortunate to work for myself, and on days when I’m not in meetings or on a hot deadline, I can keep up okay. But in the past couple of months I’ve been traveling a lot, working on-site at a client going through a crisis.
The days usually go like this: up at 6, at the client by 8, meeting, meeting, crank out product, meeting, meeting, crank out more product, meeting, get approvals, revise product, crank out more product, meeting. Then you go to dinner with the team, settle into the hotel room by 9, catch up with your other client work and life business, go to bed, try to get 5 hours of sleep, repeat.
For most of the day, my only source of material is what’s going on right in front me. What to tweet? “Clients who drag their feet on approvals really suck.” “This lawyer I’m meeting with right now is a real pinhead.” “Oh, God, not takeout from Subway AGAIN!”
I know you can auto-tweet, but I personally think that has a lot of perils. As someone tweeted last night, her stream was like this: “[debate] [debate] [debate] [some nerd autotweeting about SEO] [debate] [debate].”
And I know you can storybank blog posts and schedule them. But you still have to find the downtime to do that. And sometimes I like to use my downtime to, you know, NOT work.
I suppose you can hire staff to take care of it, but I don’t think as a solo operator that I’m positioned to outsource my tweets.
I’m starting to suspect that some of these social media stars don’t have real jobs. Or lives.