Tell Original Stories to Set Yourself Apart

Tell Original Stories

Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd, but you can’t do that by telling the same old stories people have heard a million times. That’s why it’s important to tell original stories. Our stories are what set us apart as individuals. They communicate who we are and the values we hold dear. They make … Read more

Why Do Smart PR Pros Give Bad Presentations?

Last year I attended a conference breakout session on a topic that really interested me. The room was packed with like-minded people, all hoping to get something of value from the program. Then the presenter kicked things off by talking about himself, and only himself, for what seemed like 10 minutes. He walked us through … Read more

How to Tell Stories Like Malcolm Gladwell

The Tipping Point How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

When I lead storytelling workshops, someone inevitably says their work or their business is too complex to capture in a story. That’s when I point them to Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink, Tipping Point and other bestsellers. I once watched Gladwell keep a ballroom full of people on the edge of their seats with an hour-long … Read more

5 Essential Items for Every Presenter’s Checklist

Virtual Presentation crash course

A smart presenter is prepared for absolutely anything. There are so many details to manage, some of which can make or break your presentation. Why leave anything to chance? That’s why I create checklists. Lots of checklists. I have checklists for: Things to do months and weeks in advance (research audience, create handouts, confirm logistics … Read more

Presentation Pro Tip #1: Create a Stage Picture

Presentation Pro Tip

I’ve been traveling the country the past couple of months training a client’s sales managers on their presentation skills — by the time I’m done I’ll have trained nearly 100 people. Interestingly, I’ve found that the more I teach, the more I learn. I’m discovering tons of great lessons I almost forgot I knew! So … Read more

How to Break a Bad Speaking Habit

Break bad habit

A speaking coach I know says 95% of her clients talk too fast. Which is a pretty understandable reaction to the often surreal experience of getting up in front of a bunch of people to speak. But talking too quickly makes it harder for your audience to understand you. And your key points don’t “land” … Read more

The Worst Presentation I Ever Gave

Presentation skills

I usually kick off my presentation skills workshops with the story of the worst presentation I ever saw. But the only thing worse than sitting through a terrible presentation is being the one at the front of the room delivering that terrible presentation. So here is the story of the worst presentation I ever gave. … Read more