Eleven years ago I started on a strange journey, fulfilling a long-held desire to perform by signing up for classes at Chicago’s famed Second City training center. That led to improv and sketch shows, theater performances and national commercial work.
But a funny thing happened on my way to becoming an actor. I discovered these two roads I was on — business and performance — were really one. Both require you to connect with an audience, tell your story, express yourself convincingly. And that revelation led to a book, speaking and who-knows-what-to-come.
Today I unveil a new website that brings all those parts of my life together. (And integrates this blog, which has existed on a separate island until now). There’s something very satisfying about putting something together that truly represents who you are.
And I’m proud that the site represents not just what I do, but why I do it — the passion for storytelling and the language, the written and spoken word. And, just as important, how I do it — a down-to-earth approach tinged with irreverence and humor. I hope it shows that while I take my work seriously, I never take myself too seriously.
So I invite you to explore these pages, check out the videos, follow this blog, subscribe to the email list and come back again for fresh content.
And I hope you’ll think of me if you’re ever in need of a cure for Death by PowerPoint (in the form of an entertaining and informative speaker or training to help you become a better presenter), words to help your copy and materials sing, communications strategies to help you break through the clutter or an actor who’s more than a pretty face.