When I got married I became an honorary Alaskan, and for the past four summers we’d go up there in late July for the salmon run. This year we thought it prudent to skip the trip since we’re moving in August.
And it’s a good thing we did, because I am now in the midst of a month-long, all-hands-on-deck client emergency that’s swallowing up almost all my time.
Life in the War Room
It’s 10-to-12-hour days, shut off in a windowless conference room with five other people, hashing out strategy and messages and creating endless iterations of statements, memos, speeches, FAQs and other things.
Add in 2-to-3 hours a day in the car and that’s pretty much my whole life right there. Nights and weekends will be spent doing my other client work and occasionally attending to various life needs.
Like packing.
Social Media Diet
So yeah, busy. Which means not much blogging, tweeting and other stuff.
But the work is good, and it’s great experience that I’m sure will offer tons of important lessons, stories and other material for future speeches. I envision a keynote titled, “Business is Like a Backup on the Edens Expressway” or “My So-called Life In Conference Room 4C.”
See you in a few weeks.